Stamp room / Organization

Clear Stamp Storage


Well I still couldn't color yesterday, but I can certainly cut and glue so I decided to work on some more stamp storage.  This is my binder with some of my My Time Made Easy clear stamps.  I used the Fluttering By and Shutt erfly digi papers to decorate.  These are the VERY first Digi Papers I got from Lauren, and seem very fitting since butterflies are kind of her thing, lol.  The benefit to using Digi papers is that when you start accumulating full binders, the papers you used will still be available.  I have a paper & color theme for each stamp company I use for all of my Binder storage.  For my border on here I used the Scallop Dot Border Builders, this allowed me to scale the size to go with the size of my binder, but also be able to center the loops so that they fit just right across the cover.  The Border Builders come with other pieces to allow you to layer your borders (and we all know how much I LOVE layering!).  I cut out some of the butterflies from Flutters & Flowers, just for some "pop".  I listed on the front and the spine the contents of the binder so I don't have to open and flip through pages to see what's inside.  For each stamp companies binders, I copied their logo and pasted them on my covers…this makes it quick to find the binders I am looking for.  Below is a picture of the spines of my mini binders on their shelf.  For the spines I just show the Logo, binder name (company name & volume) and the contents.  I used Publisher for the spine info and for the cover panel with the Logo, contents, etc.  This is a bad picture, but you get the idea.  I like everything decorated and just so, but you certainly can make your covers MUCH simpler and basic.  The best part is the inside…


I've been searching and brainstorming for a way to store my clear stamps.  I don't really like them on the panels like I have my unmounted rubber.  I also do not like regular three ring binders.  A friend came to visit a few weekends ago and she told be about these 5.5" x 8.5" sheet protectors, these aren't the brand I have, but are the same thing.  These are a fraction too wide, so they just fit in the binder. I may need to tuck the sleeve in before closing, but it's just the plastic sleeve piece and it does not impact the white sheet or the stamps at all.  I also found a great place for these binders, here are the mini's for $3.74 each and here are the large for $4.98 each.  These guys ship quite fast.


I took some white cardstock and cut it in half to fit in the sleeve, this way I can use both sides and fit more stamps.  I can fit 4 sheets, using both sides in a mini-binder.


I just used a pen to write then set name at the top of the white sheet.  I really like this method, because it keeps my set together, if a stamp gets loose it should stay in the sleeve, and worst case it'll still be in the binder.  

Here are the measurements for the cover for those who are interested (everything is "wide x tall")…

Cover (pink) – 14 7/8" x 9 1/4"
Front Panel (brown) – 6 1/2" x 9 1/8"
Front Title Piece:
                    Butterfly sheet – 4 3/4" x 6 1/8"
                    Logo Block – 2 1/4" x 1 1/2"
                    Contents Block – 4" x 2 3/4"
Front Border (white scallop dot) – 6 3/8" x 1 1/4"
Front Border decor (pink butterfly/swirly) – 6 1/4" x 3/4"
Spine Panel (Brown) – 1 1/8" x 9 1/8"
Spine Title Piece – 1" x 7 1/2"
Spine Border (white) – 1 1/8" x 1"
Spine Border decor (pink butterflies/swirly) – 7/8" x 9/16" 

These really are easier than they look.  Also, I made a template for the panels for each company, so when I make a new binder that part is mostly done.  Thanks for stopping in, hope to see you again soon. 

Here are some of my other storage ideas:
Card Display
Copic Storage
Ribbon Storage
Stamp Storage (Large Binders) 

7 thoughts on “Clear Stamp Storage

  1. this turned out fabulous!! I’m glad you’re at least getting some organization stuff done while your finger heals – but I hope you can color soon! 🙂


  2. Ooo, so sorry about your “owie”! Hope it gets better soon! Almost all of my stamps are from the same company….which isn’t much of a surprise. 🙂


  3. I had so many clear stamps that I used a 3″ binder 8.5 x 11″. I’m ready to fill my forth one. Do you think we buy way to much??? I do love this idea!! BTW- Love your cards!


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